University of Florida UAS
UAS Program Information
The University of Florida has been flying UAV's less than a mile from our runway at the airpark. Information about the program can be found in the COA Certificate of Operation and the MOA Memorandum of Agreement. Click on the COA and MOA links to learn about the program and our relationship with the University to keep the operations informative and safe for all flying near Melrose Airpark.
The University of Florida Unmanned Aircraft Systems Research Program flys low-altitude, below 1,000’ AGL, unmanned photography flights over the Brantley Lakes area in the southeastern portion of the Ordway-Swisher Biological Station.
UAS Operational Area

If you would like to be notified via eMail of their operations please sign up for our UAV notification mailing list. The University will send out an email to all list members of pending UAV operations.
As usual, The university will be monitoring our airband multicom while on the Ordway-Swisher property, and a NOTAM will be activated with FSS for their flights. There have been no changes in our operational protocol; safety of all parties is our primary goal at all times.
Please check out our Safety Guru's Notice about this activity. The UAV schedules will also be NOTAM'd, Remember to check NOTAMS before your flights.